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∎ Libro Gratis Damiano Return Lynne Graham 9780263167641 Books

Damiano Return Lynne Graham 9780263167641 Books

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Damiano Return Lynne Graham 9780263167641 Books

I think I have a problem with Lynne Graham's Heroines, they all seem to have a common trait...lying by omission, and concealing truths which really take off some of their integrity. They are mostly innocent, true but the situation is usually very flimsy and the circumstances are not even conducive for lying because someone else would tell the Alpha H about it eventually and she would look like a cheap liar, thus losing her credibility. I mean a good story should at least have a solid plot, in the case of this book the heroine was so stupid, she had so many chances to tell him the truth, and maybe he would have believed her, but she chose to lie in fear of losing him, even though she knew his family was going to tell him eventually because they hate her, she was blackmailed by her best friend and she was coerced into shouldering the blame because she is stupid, there is no other words for that. That’s why I don’t like Lynne Graham’s heroines…they are not really the sharpest tools in the shed.
The story itself is good, there are moments when I banged my head against my kindle but those were mostly related to how the Heroine lost so many golden opportunities to come clean to H but she failed miserably.
The other problem with Lynne Graham books is the characters mostly are skeletons, there isn’t a lot of development, or knowledge of their feelings. She is a good writer, and I enjoy some of her books but the characters are just not likeable enough, they are not deep enough…they have the feel of Disney fairytale with no depth or internal turmoil.
Overall, this is not a bad book, I enjoyed it and I liked some of the hot dialogue and how macho Damiano was, this is one thing I give Lynne Grham, she is as basic and primal as they come and I love me a crazy possessive guy.
I would have probably given this book 4 stars, but the lying and the feeble excuses and slow mind just took a star out of this book.

Read Damiano Return Lynne Graham 9780263167641 Books

Tags : Damiano's Return [Lynne Graham] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Damiano Braganzi is back! Damiano—the husband whom Eden had thought she'd never see again....<P>Eden and Damiano had been married only a short time when he disappeared,Lynne Graham,Damiano's Return,Harlequin Mills & Boon,026316764X,mon0000696106,Romance - Contemporary,FICTION Romance Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction - Romance,Fiction-Romance,Large Print,Romance,Romance - General,RomanceModern,Romance: Modern

Damiano Return Lynne Graham 9780263167641 Books Reviews

What a heart break...her husband disappears for five years and his family destroys her self-esteem. Now Damiano is back and is wanting answers to why his wife, Eden is not safe within the family circle. Those answers will shock him. But is thier love strong enough to stand the pain? I have only read one other story that deals with the hero disappears and held in a prision, liked both that one and this one. And I am glad that I will be able to reread this one again.
H comes back from the dead (turns out he was only imprisoned under a false identity) to find the h ostracized by his family and another woman claiming to have had the H's kid. Despite the h's spineless behavior, the book was good. No prolonged misunderstandings, the H's conflicted feelings are understandable and the love between H & h is apparent and believable. Resolution was good too, w everyone getting their just deserts. Not a bad read for an HP.
I strangely liked it even though the heroine had no spine. She pretty much let everyone walk all over her and my goodness, if the hero was anything like how he was portrayed as 5 years ago, I would have hated him. He had jealousy issues with her guy friend and because of that, he let his ex-fiance stay around to see her reactions. He seemed to have been a man who used cruel jokes and situations to test her when they first got married because of how unsure he was that she loved him. That put a strain on their marriage and then he went missing where he spent his time thinking about them. He is regretful of his past actions but still relapses every once in a while. You can tell through the few flashbacks that he was NEVER on the rebound when it came to the heroine. He loved her from first sight and he never told her so she was unsure of herself with him. Because of his actions 5 years previously, his family thought they could treat her like crap and he would not mind, but he very much did. They thought he felt he made a mistake marrying her based on what his ex-fiance told them, so they projected cruel taunts and words towards the heroine when the hero was not around. When he does find out, he is appalled and angry, which makes me like him. Also when he thought she had an affair, he never intended to leave her, he just wanted time to come to terms with it. I can see how she would blamed herself for everyone thinking she was unfaithful, but she did not have to act like such a doormat to everyone, not just the hero. I do not know why, because I like my heroines a bit stronger, but the hero and heroine really worked for me and you could feel his emotions for her and hers for him.
Very good book from Ms. Graham. Engaging hero & heroine deals his dysfunctional family and ex girlfriend. Damiano is a very rich banker who marries innocent seamstress Eden & brings her to live with his awful family who make Eden's like hell behind his back. When Damiano is kidnapped during a military uprising in South america, Eden's in laws kick her out of the home & embrace Damiano's ex girlfriend who claims to have given birth to his child! Resigned to never seeing her husband live again, Eden is stunned to learn he has turned up alive after 5 years! Once Damiano returns to his life, he finds LOTS of things have changed & not for the better! Can Eden and Damiano recover their love or has too much time and hard feelings separeated them forever? Read the book to find out!
Many of the reviewers of LG's books cite Bond of Hatred as their favorite. While I like that book, this one and Duarte's Child are probably my favorites. In this one, the h is an insecure bride, but I have to say that I totally understood why she was the way she was. The H's family and the ex-fiance totally undermined her confidence to the point of making her so unwelcome, she left their home. Then to install the ex in the master suite was just unbelievable. The lying b!tch tells the family that her son is the H's and that he had essentially been unfaithful just before his disappearance. And then proceeds to bilk his family out of a ton of money! The sister-in-law is caught on film having an affair, but the tabloids ID the unknown woman as the h, so that makes the h's life even more unbearable.

Everything is resolved and everyone gets theirs in the end, so this one was outstanding, in my opinion.
I think I have a problem with Lynne Graham's Heroines, they all seem to have a common trait...lying by omission, and concealing truths which really take off some of their integrity. They are mostly innocent, true but the situation is usually very flimsy and the circumstances are not even conducive for lying because someone else would tell the Alpha H about it eventually and she would look like a cheap liar, thus losing her credibility. I mean a good story should at least have a solid plot, in the case of this book the heroine was so stupid, she had so many chances to tell him the truth, and maybe he would have believed her, but she chose to lie in fear of losing him, even though she knew his family was going to tell him eventually because they hate her, she was blackmailed by her best friend and she was coerced into shouldering the blame because she is stupid, there is no other words for that. That’s why I don’t like Lynne Graham’s heroines…they are not really the sharpest tools in the shed.
The story itself is good, there are moments when I banged my head against my kindle but those were mostly related to how the Heroine lost so many golden opportunities to come clean to H but she failed miserably.
The other problem with Lynne Graham books is the characters mostly are skeletons, there isn’t a lot of development, or knowledge of their feelings. She is a good writer, and I enjoy some of her books but the characters are just not likeable enough, they are not deep enough…they have the feel of Disney fairytale with no depth or internal turmoil.
Overall, this is not a bad book, I enjoyed it and I liked some of the hot dialogue and how macho Damiano was, this is one thing I give Lynne Grham, she is as basic and primal as they come and I love me a crazy possessive guy.
I would have probably given this book 4 stars, but the lying and the feeble excuses and slow mind just took a star out of this book.
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